
老佛爷百货来到中国六周年。法国的前沿时尚与中国本土先锋文化在这里交汇,既古老,又时髦。鉴于此,六周年对于老佛爷百货而言既是一个具有纪念意义的里程碑,又是一个全新的开始,G Project将今年的主题定为“Bonjour 6”,这是对六年时光的问候,也是对一直以来支持着老佛爷百货成长的顾客的问候。


Galeries Lafayette has come to China for 6 years, where the fashion frontier of France meets the Chinese avant-garde culture. It is ancient and yet chic. Therefore it is a tremendous milestone for Galeries Lafayette and a whole new start at the same time. G Project proposed to use “Bonjour 6” as theme of the celebration event, which could be reminiscing the past journey, as well as a courtesy greeting to all the customers who shopped and grew together with the store.

More importantly, G Project curated and transformed the entire store into a space waiting to be explored. 6 Parisian landmarks with significant cultural value, such as Jardin du Luxembourg, Cinémathèque Française,and Shakespeare and Company, were brought live with multimedia installation artworks, which provided a fun and interactive experience to all visitors.