
国际知名护肤品牌AHAVA携手代言人。G Project通过“手”作为切入点,带入人设与性格,彰显AHAVA的品牌基因与精神,强化品牌角色,通过手,展现手霜品类,提高并放大品牌价值。

通过手,我们可以读懂一个人。通过代言人的手,呈现品牌对于夏日的“手”护。交手时间,执手角色,以科技探索死海之量,给予爱的守护。根据AHAVA护手霜以保湿修护和独特香氛,G Project并为AHAVA定制了“夏日水润,手护加氛”的主题,主打夏日顶级保湿,以四种迷人香型为消费者解锁四种不同风格体验。

G Project还为AHAVA创作了一支专属OTV,以“手”作为切入点,用丰富的死海场景和光影变化表现产品特征和能量。代言人以“夏日手护官”的身份,演绎全情守护,将死海的神秘能量一一探索,带来温柔的“夏日手护”。这不仅戳中了目标消费人群的需求,也精准触达张哲瀚粉丝圈层,视频发布后,即在各大社交媒体引发大规模讨论,微博话题#张哲瀚的夏日手护#达1.8亿+的阅读量和45万+互动。同时,结合恐怖箱挑战及福利活动等形式,进一步展现了产品的特性,也将品牌扩散至不同圈层,极大地提升了认知度。

G Project has promoted the cooperative relationships between AHAVA, the internationally renowned skin care brand, and Zhang Zhehan to highlight AHAVA's brand genes and amplify its brand value.

Besides that, G Project has created an exclusive OTV for AHAVA, focusing on the gentle and caring of its spokesperson Zhang Zhehan along with the mysterious energy of the Dead Sea in their products. We have not only hit the target consumer group, but also accurately reached Zhang Zhehan’s fans group.

After the video has been released, it has triggered large-scale discussions on major social media. Weibo topic #张哲瀚的夏日手护# reached over 400 million views and 2,000,000 interactions. At the same time, G Project has conjured up various creatives to enhance the awareness of AHAVA.