

2020 媒介360营销奖文化创新银奖

2020 TMA移动营销大奖·创意类铜奖

2021 虎啸奖·新品营销类铜奖

今年是乐事连续第三年推出春日限定产品,如何超越自己,为年轻人带来新的体验?2020年,乐事推出春日限定3.0:除了樱花元素之外,加上了年轻人中流行的“气泡水”元素,推出全新「气泡薯片」系列:乳酸菌苏打水味,樱花粉荔气泡水味,白葡萄汽水味。G Project今年继续为乐事大开脑洞,用科技感重塑年轻人的告白体验,特殊时期下,将烟火以创新视效呈现出来,以一场“云告白烟火秀”把告白玩出新意,使新品在一众樱花季零食中脱颖而出。

2020,爱你爱你,2020年本来是个属于甜蜜的年份,但却被一场意外打破,本来约好的大餐,电影,旅游纷纷取消,所有人的约会都变成了“约定”,许多人也因此错过了告白的机会。当春天来临,你会选择怎么弥补这一份错过的爱?G Project和乐事品牌方紧急调整,决定将原有创意转换为“云端”活动。经过对疫情期间的舆情深挖,创意团队发现经过这段艰难的时期,很多年轻人比以往更珍惜爱,他们更需要释放情感,需要被鼓励,获得爱的勇气与力量。经过几轮沟通,乐事品牌方和创意团队确定了新的方向,这个时代的年轻人极度重视参与感和内容共创,用各种具有科技感的烟火助力年轻人告白,创造一场前所未有的云告白烟火秀。




It is the 3rd consecutive year launching Lay's spring limited edition, but how to wow our customers again? In early 2020, Lay’s, in addition to cherry blossom flavor, has intended to present us the brand new SPARKLING WATER FLAVOUR, there are 3 novel tastes in this line including lactic acid flavor, cherry lychee flavor and white grape flavor. However, the plague has changed everything, G Project therefore brainstormed a 3D firework show on phones with innovative visual effect for Lay’s. With this idea, Lay’s new lines of chips sold out.

2020, sounds like Love You Love You in Chinese, it should’ve been a sweet year, but all the scheduled dinners, movies, travel plans has been cancelled, all the datings have been postponed because of the incident. As a result, many people have lost the opportunity to confess their love. Thinking of this, G Project and Lay’s decide to offer the young a second chance encouraging them to unleash their emotions to get love through an unprecedented online firework show where your commence can be seen by everyone.

On the day before the White Day, customers may customize their own fireworks including the background, even the paths of the fireworks! Tailor-made fireworks animations generated, they may share it with their loved ones. On March 14th,  the day of the White Day, we have invited the popular debater Xiao Xiao to be the anchor and to keep you company with various confession stories for everyone.

With the glassless 3D technology provided by a foreign design team, the show goes to the climax with sakura, bubbles and images of celebrities in a splendid and dream-like way.

On Weibo, Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu and other platforms around the White Day, we have had a lot of KOLs introducing the new SPARKLING WATER FLAVOUR to netizens, which becomes a buzz word. Accordingly, our creative events, seeding plans and targeted SEMs have enabled Lay’s to achieve tremendous sales as well as hundreds of millions of views and topics on Weibo and Wechat. 
