
2021,是时候重拾职场信心了! Smiley作为一个流行文化的革新表达,与商务时装LILY展开跨界,传达积极正能量的微笑职场态度,通过“花点时间微笑”的精神哲学,在后疫情时期以时尚演绎力量,为所有女性的职场状态注入强大的微笑能量。

G project作为本次跨界的全案操盘手,我们基于LILY×Smiley微笑职场系列的精神内核,将微笑的力量以篇章的方式呈现——Smiley微笑精神空降中国、点亮微笑时刻,并且启用宋轶身着该系列服饰作为微笑力量的承接点,将风格与理念倾情演绎。同时,透过线上&线下同步引流的方式,在LILY官方微笑直播间创造了一次声量&销量双双突破纪录的直播事件,本次跨界不仅仅作为一个时尚符号,更是一个品牌想要表达的一种态度与生活方式,2020既是重启,亦是新生; 既是继承,亦是创新。

2020 is full of twists and turns, but we still can not forget to smile. Thus, G-Project and LILY have decided to work with Smiley, an innovative IP in pop culture, to convey positive attitude through the spiritual philosophy of Spend Time Smiling Everyday. in the post-epidemic time, we together inject strong smile energy for all women.

G-Project, the case operator, has decided to make Song Yi wearing this collection as our Smile Ambassador. At the same time, we has achieved an astounding record of both sales and impressions through online live streaming and offline event in Metro City, Xujiahui. The IMC this time is not only a debut of a new fashion collection, but also a platform expressing positive attitude and lifestyle.